
The proposed framework of the solution consists of three main axes which are presented in the following drawing.

1st Axes: Entities vocabulary.

The first axis is an ontology that is produced with the tool ONAR. This ontology is discribed in OWL. The aim of this ontology is twofold:

More for ONAR.

Download a sample of the Ontology here

2nd Axes: Annotation tool for web pages.

The second axis is a tool for the annotation of web pages (annotation tool) which uses the vocabulary and provides a GUI for annatating web sites.

The tool requires the .ΝΕΤ Framwork 1.1 to be installed on your computer. Dowload the appropriate setup.

Dowload Anntotation Tool setup here (.ΝΕΤ setup included).

Dowload Anntotation Tool setup here (.ΝΕΤ setup not included).

(Last Update 21/6/2006)

3rd Axes: SeEBrowser (Semantically Enhanced Browser).

Finally the third and major axis is the SeEBrowser which is using both the notated web pages the vocabulary in order to provide additional features that will help bnlind users in their browsing.

The SeEBrowser is using SAPI 5.1 compatible TextToSpeech engines. This means that you requires SAPI 5.1 and at least one one compatible TTS engine.

Here you can find some neccesary packages of SAPI 5.1 with some English TTS engines. We suggest downloading SpeechSDK51.exe.

Before installing SeEBRowser for the first time make sure that you have installed the required packages. For additional information read the file readme.txt within the zip of required packages.

Download here the required packages.

Download here the last version of SeEBrowser.

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